EC211 Section 7 : Instance Storage EBS : An EBS (Elastic Block Store) Volume is a network drive you can attach to your instances while they run and allows data to persist even after their termination. - They can only be mounted to instance at a time and bound to a specific AZ (Free tier is 30gb) - It can be detached from an EC2 and attached to another one quickly - To move AZ you first need to snapshot it - Get billed for all the.. 2023. 8. 29. Section 6 : EC2 Solutions Private vs public IP (IPv4) Ipv4 is still the most common format used online and IPv6 is newer and solves problems for iot. Public IP: • Public IP means the machine can be identified on the internet (WWW) • Must be unique across the whole web (not two machines can have the same public IP). • Can be geo-located easily Private IP: • Private IP means the machine can only be identified on a private .. 2023. 7. 26. Section 5 : EC2 Fundamentals_part 2 EC2 Instances Purchasing options - On-demand Instances – short workload, predictable pricing, pay by second - Reserved (1 & 3 years) • Reserved Instances – long workloads • Convertible Reserved Instances – long workloads with flexible instances - Savings Plans (1 & 3 years) –commitment to an amount of usage, long workload - Spot Instances – short workloads, cheap, can lose instances (less reliab.. 2023. 7. 23. Section 5 : EC2 Fundamentals_part 1 AWS Budget setup : For IAM user -> Giver permission to accept bills and payments for access Can setup your own budget ranging from free ~ to customized amount Amazon EC2 Basics EC2 = Elastic Compute Cloud = Infrastructure as a Service Consists in the capability of : - Renting virtual machines (EC2) - Storing data on virtual drives (EBS) - Distributing load across machines (ELB) - Scaling the ser.. 2023. 7. 23. Devops Day 64 (6.7) 성능 테스트_Sprint AWS EC2와 K6를 이용한 성능테스트 Procedure 1. Aws EC2 인스턴스 생성 - 버스트 기능이 있는 t2 micro를 생성 - ubuntu 20.04 2. SSH 접속 (인스턴스 접속) 3. Docker를 인스턴스 EC2에 설치 #업데이트 및 HTTP 패키지 설치 3.1 sudo apt update 3.2 sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates \ curl \ software-properties-common \ apt-transport-https \ gnupg \ lsb-release # GPG 키 및 저장소 추가 3.3 sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings 3.4 curl -fsSL | sudo .. 2023. 6. 10. Devops Day 61 (6.1) 서비스 모니터링_Sprint Auto Scaling + CloudWatch를 이용한 알림 Bare Minimum Requirement · EC2 서버를 ASG를 통해 구성합니다. 구성은 다음을 따릅니다. · CloudWatch 알람을 통해 ASG의 스케일 인/아웃을 진행합니다. · 스케일 인/아웃이 진행될 때 디스코드에 알림을 보냅니다. · 메트릭을 바탕으로 장애 발생 예상 시점에 디스코드에 알림을 보냅니다. · CPU 사용률(CPUUtilization) 값이 특정 값 이상일 때 경보가 발생하게 하세요 Getting Started 시작 템플릿 구성 ASG를 위한 시작 템플릿 구성은 다음을 따릅니다. · 그룹 정보 o 원하는 용량: 1 o 최소 용량: 1 o 최대 용량: 3 · 시작 템플릿은 다음 구성을 따릅니다. o Ubuntu Server (LTS) o t2.nano o 기존 혹은 신규 키.. 2023. 6. 1. 이전 1 2 다음